Tag Archives: Dorothea Lange

Pinterest hit

22 Apr

Da quando utilizzo Pinterest non mi era mai capitato di vedere un “pin” avere così tanto successo come la foto di Dorothea Lange che vedete qui sotto. 206 repin in meno di una settimana. Un motivo ulteriore per comprendere come spesso una foto acquisti valore se viene raccontato bene il contesto che essa rappresenta.

Traveling Light: August 1936. “Oklahoma farm family on highway between Blythe and Indio. Forced by the drought of 1936 to abandon their farm, they set out with their children to drive to California. Picking cotton in Arizona for a day or two at a time gave them enough for food and gas to continue. On this day they were within a day’s travel of their destination, Bakersfield. Their car had broken down en route and was abandoned.” Medium-format negative by Dorothea Lange.